Professional Indemnity Insurance (PII)


We have you covered

One of the benefits of being an ANMF member is knowing that your professional needs are taken care of. If something happens at work, you can have the assurance that you will be protected.

ANMF has provided PII to nurses for over 25 years. Our PII cover has been tailored specifically for nurses. It is comprehensive and tested and provides expert legal representation that protects the employee’s interests and not the employer.

PII cover is provided to ANMF members as long as:
• They are full financial members at the time of the incident
• The claim relates to work performed as an employee, or to the paid or voluntary provision of nursing services.

Under our PII ANMF can provide comprehensive, professional and independent representation which may include:
1. Proceedings before The Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA),
2. Appearing before Health Practitioners Tribunal,
3. Investigations by the Health Complaints Commissioner Tasmania,
4. If representation is required appearing at Coroner’s inquests,

The cover that is provided
ANMF PII covers members automatically to $10 000 000 for any one claim with up to $50 000 000 in total claims during a 12-month period. Further to this, members are covered for Public Liability for $10 000 000 in the aggregate in any one year and for legal and inquiry costs amounts up to $500 000. Coverage extends to members working interstate for up to 3 months so long as membership is maintained. Cover is worldwide except in North America, however international coverage only extends where action against a member is taken under Australian Law.

You can read more on the ANMF PII Fact Sheet here

If you require further information about ANMF PII, please contact the Member Support Team via email [email protected] or on (03) 6223 6777 or 1800 001 241 (outside Hobart area) during office hours.


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